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Asbestos Communal Surveys

What asbestos communal surveys do you offer?

Designed to discover all areas within the property where asbestos may be present and provides information on the type, condition and quantity of any asbestos found.

The survey will also assess any existing damage and determine whether or not it requires remedial work. This helps ensure that any potential risks to health are fully assessed and managed in line with legal requirements.

This asbestos survey type is required prior to refurbishment works within a property. During the survey our team will check all areas of upcoming works. The survey is fully intrusive in the areas of work. Due to the nature of the survey there is some disruption and damage required.

The demolition asbestos survey is the most intrusive and thorough survey undertaken. All areas of proposed demolition will be inspected for asbestos. The work is very disruptive and intrusive.

The demolition asbestos survey is the most intrusive and thorough survey undertaken. All areas of proposed demolition will be inspected for asbestos. The work is very disruptive and intrusive.

Following any of the above asbestos surveys you may require a re-inspection survey to manage the asbestos in your property. This inspection will check the previously located items and ensure they are safe and managed correctly.

asbestos communal surveys

Locations covered for all asbestos communal surveys

Do you suspect asbestos is present on your property?

We can be onsite within hours with an interim recommendation of what type of asbestos survey is required and what course of action might need to be taken.

CONTACT US NOW if you suspect the presence of asbestos on your property

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Asbestos Communal Surveys FAQs

Non-domestic premises, including industrial, commercial or public buildings like factories, warehouses, offices, shops, hospitals and schools are managed as part of the duty.

Domestic premises, such as purpose-built flats or houses converted into multiple units, may have unrelated occupants sharing common areas like foyers, corridors, lifts and staircases, roof spaces and gardens. Such domestic arrangements exclude private rooms like bathrooms and dining/lounge areas in sheltered housing for multiple households.

Asbestos communal surveys are an important tool used to assess the presence and condition of asbestos in a multi-occupancy building.

The surveys aim to detect possible health risks of asbestos-contained materials (ACMs) in communal areas of a property.

The survey process usually begins with a visual inspection of the premises, followed by sampling and analysis of any suspected ACMs.

The surveyor will take samples of suspicious materials and send them to an accredited laboratory for testing. If asbestos is found, it is then classified according to its type and condition. The survey findings are presented in a report, which can be used to develop further actions if necessary.

Communal surveys should be conducted regularly in multi-occupancy buildings to evaluate asbestos exposure risk and safeguard the occupants’ health and safety.

An asbestos communal survey is needed when it is suspected or known that there are building materials containing asbestos present in a shared living environment.

It is important to conduct an asbestos communal survey as it can help you identify any potential risks associated with the presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).

This type of survey will involve an inspection of all common areas and individual units to determine if any materials contain asbestos. The survey may also include laboratory analysis of samples taken from the building materials, as well as air monitoring for airborne fibers.

Once your survey has been completed, your report can be prepared outlining the findings and providing you with recommendations for how you can appropriately manage any potential risks associated with ACMs.

If you need any help, please get in touch on 01923 911013 or email us here.

Asbestos communal surveys are required for flats when the landlord or management company suspects that there may be asbestos present in any common areas.

Your survey should be conducted by a qualified professional who will inspect your building and identify any potential sources of asbestos. We will also be able to advise on the best course of action for dealing with any asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) found. If no ACMs are identified, your survey report will state this.

Yes, it is possible if you can prove that they were negligent in their duty to protect you from asbestos exposure.

In order to do this, you must first establish that your landlord was aware of the presence of asbestos on their property and failed to take action to prevent or mitigate it.

This can be done by providing evidence such as an asbestos communal survey, which can be provided by us, or other documentation which identifies the presence of asbestos.

For more information, help or advice, please get in touch with us today on 01923 911013 or email us here.